VeriGuide - Plagiarism Detection and Prevention
We herein introduce to you our flagship product, the VeriGuide™ system, a plagiarism detection and prevention tool as well as an educational platform combining of assignment collection system and readability analytical tool developed by The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
The VeriGuide™ system now has over 300,000 users across universities, secondary school, educational institutions. It has gained the support and trust of users in Hong Kong, Mainland China, as well as ASEAN, Europe, and Americas.
VeriGuide User Interface
‣ Students in a Class Showing Various Text Similarities
‣ List of Sources of a Plagiarized Student's Work
‣ Side-by-side Comparison Showing Both Student's Work and Suspected Plagiarized Source
Benefits of Using VeriGuide
- Promote academic quality and create honest and fair studying environment.
- Educate students the importance of producing original works.
- Reduce teachers’ workload in detecting plagiarism.
- Provide objective assessment and improve students’ writing skills.
What Users Said About VeriGuide
"Students study a wide variety of topics, in the past, when anti-plagiarism software is not available, teachers need to search the content sentence-by-sentence manually in Yahoo! search engine which is very time-consuming. Now, after using this plagiarism detection software, teachers' workloads in detection plagiarized works are reduced. The result is quite good." - Teacher Wu, Cheung Chuk Shan College
"Students are copying too smart, they re-write the content that the content has not been found plagiarized easily. So the software can assist teachers to solve this situation." - Teacher Kam, Kwun Tong Government Secondary School
"Software can help teachers determine whether students have copied. In addition to be used in Liberal Studies, the plagiarism detection system can also be used for other subjects, such as Chinese language, Chinese History, etc. So the school is considering the use of a plagiarism detection software." - Teacher Xu, Christian and Missionary Alliance Sun Kei Secondary School
"I am interested in adopting this plagiarism detection software. I think that it is good for the school as well as the students." - Principal Ng, The Hong Kong Taoist Association Ching Chung Secondary School
(Source: Education Bureau's Pilot Test of a Plagiarism Detection System which Reduced Teachers' Workload in Detecting Plagiarized Students' Works, Sing Tao Daily, January 31, 2011)
Are You Ready?
Act now, don't let plagiarism problems harm your school, your students, and your children.